LetsExchange has made ALPH available for trading
ALPH, the native cryptocurrency of the Alephium blockchain, is now available for trading on LetsExchange, the go-to exchange platform supporting the most extensive number of cryptocurrencies worldwide.
Crypto users can now swap ALPH for over 4,800 tokens and coins through a friendly widget on the LetsExchange’s website or a Telegram bot. They can also swap this token on wallets, apps, and third-party platforms that integrate crypto exchange functionality powered by LetsExchange.
Users who swap ALPH for other cryptocurrencies using LetsExchange can choose between a market rate and a fixed rate. With a market rate, the system searches over 20 liquidity providers to find you the best rate available at that moment. For those who prefer stability and predictability, a fixed rate option locks in the exchange rate right at the start of the transaction. Hence, the rate remains constant no matter how the market fluctuates during the swap.
Besides the listing of ALPH, the LetsExchange and Alephium teams are discussing a further partnership, which includes integrating LetsExchange’s crypto-exchange solutions into Alephium’s suite of user-friendly wallets. LetsExchange offers a wide array of B2B solutions to incorporate exchange functionality to third-party products and platforms, including referral links, exchange widgets and buttons, white-label products, branded Telegram bots, and API for developers.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We are thrilled to start collaborating with Alephium. Listing the ALPH coin is the first step of our partnership, which we expect to develop into a more comprehensive collaboration that benefits our organizations and the crypto community.”
“We are excited and grateful to see ALPH available on LetsExchange, simplifying user access to the Alephium ecosystem. This listing broadens the reach of our technology, enabling more people to experience the benefits of Alephium.” said Maud Bannwart, COO of Alephium
Alephium is a pioneer PoW L1 that scales security & programmability without sacrificing decentralization to expand the possibilities for tokens, smart contracts and dApps.Those properties, as well as a loyal and engaged community have produced a vibrant and quickly expanding ecosystem of DApps, services, tools & builders. Alephium’s native token, ALPH, allows participation in the growth of this transformative blockchain ecosystem.
LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub boasting support for more than 4,800 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange offers its partners the ability to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2024, 10:54 AM by LetsExchange.io.)
HandCash has integrated LetsExchange crypto exchange widget
HandCash, a gaming platform leveraging the Bitcoin SV blockchain, known for its simplicity and speed, has integrated the LetsExchange crypto exchange widget into its website. HandCash users can now easily swap their BSV for other cryptocurrencies listed on LetsExchange directly on the website.
This integration allows users to benefit from all the features LetsExchange provides for its customers. Namely, market and fixed rate options, favorable exchange rates, low and transparent fees, cross-chain swaps, 24/7 support, and more.
The HandCash and LetsExchange collaboration will soon extend to a deeper integration within the HandCash wallet, allowing users to access LetsExchange’s comprehensive crypto exchange functionality directly from their wallets.
LetsExchange, a leading instant exchange platform, supports over 4,800 coins and tokens and provides services in English, Russian, Turkish, and seven other languages, ensuring global accessibility for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration: “We are thrilled to see our widget integrated into the HandCash website. This partnership will introduce our versatile exchange services to a broader audience. We are confident that HandCash users will appreciate our platform's quality and convenience. Our ongoing cooperation with HandCash signifies a significant step forward in enhancing the crypto experience for all users.”
HandCash is a leading gaming platform utilizing Bitcoin SV technology, designed for easy use and rapid transactions. It focuses on leveraging NFTs to create the best market for digital game items, supporting the buying, selling, and trading of unique in-game assets. The upcoming integration of LetsExchange’s functionalities within the HandCash wallet promises to enhance the user experience by providing direct access to a vast array of cryptocurrency exchange options, further empowering gamers in the digital economy.
LetsExchange is the ultimate crypto exchange spot supporting the market's largest number of crypto assets. It continues to lead the industry with its extensive support for over 4,800 coins and tokens, offering unmatched flexibility and convenience. Partners can integrate LetsExchange’s swap functionality through API, and the platform's DEX and Buy/Sell modes are also available via customizable widgets and Telegram bots.
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2024, 10:20 AM by LetsExchange.io.)
LetsExchange has listed XPLL
LetsExchange, the one-stop crypto exchange hub known for its extensive range of supported assets, has listed XPLL, the native utility token of the ParallelChain ecosystem. This listing is part of a broader partnership, as ParallelChain plans to integrate LetsExchange's API into their wallet, further enhancing user experience and accessibility.
Users on LetsExchange can now seamlessly swap XPLL tokens via the user-friendly exchange widget on LetsExchange.io. Furthermore, the token is accessible through our Telegram bot and across third-party wallets, apps, and platforms that have integrated LetsExchange's crypto exchange services.
When swapping XPLL on LetsExchange, users have the option to select between a market rate and a fixed rate. The market rate option ensures that the platform sources the best rate from over 20 liquidity providers, optimizing exchange conditions. Alternatively, the fixed rate option secures the quoted price at the beginning of the transaction, safeguarding users against market fluctuations and slippage.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, shared his excitement about the new listing: "The inclusion of XPLL on our platform underscores our commitment to bringing our users access to the most advanced and promising cryptocurrencies. ParallelChain’s robust, high-performance technology makes XPLL an invaluable asset, and we’re confident that our community will appreciate this addition. The upcoming integration of our API into their wallet will further enhance the accessibility and convenience for users on both platforms."
ParallelChain is a revolutionary blockchain platform powering decentralized applications with an AI-powered identity framework designed to empower everyone with a singular identity. It boasts impressive performance metrics, including a transaction throughput of over 100,000 transactions per second and real-time latency of less than 0.003 seconds. The platform’s versatility allows it to cater to a broad spectrum of use cases, from financial services and identity verification to smart city projects.
LetsExchange stands as the one-stop crypto exchange hub, supporting over 5,000 coins and tokens and making it the most extensive selection in the market. The platform provides a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps and bridge, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp options. Additionally, partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap and cross-chain swap features through API, while DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available via customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2024, 12:20 PM by LetsExchange.io.)
The DGMA token to be listed on LetsExchange
LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub with the broadest range of supported assets, is committed to listing DGMA, a utility token with a fixed supply that powers the daGama ecosystem.
Once the DGMA token is listed, LetsExchange users will be able to swap it seamlessly using a user-friendly crypto exchange widget on LetsExchange.io for other 5,000 cryptocurrencies. Swapping the DGMA token will also be possible via the LetsExchange Telegram bot and third-party wallets, apps, and platforms that have integrated LetsExchange’s crypto exchange solutions.
In anticipation of the DGMA launch, LetsExchange and daGama are also exploring further integration opportunities, including the potential use of LetsExchange’s API. This will enable daGama's user base to leverage LetsExchange’s extensive liquidity and exchange capabilities directly within the daGama ecosystem.
When the DGMA token becomes available on LetsExchange, users will have the flexibility to choose between a market rate and a fixed rate for their swaps. The market rate option will automatically secure the best available rate from over 20 liquidity providers, ensuring optimal exchange conditions. Alternatively, the fixed rate option will lock in the quoted price at the start of the transaction, providing stability and protection against market volatility.
Alex J., the Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating: "We're always looking for innovative projects to support, and daGama fits perfectly with our vision of providing our users with the best possible options for their crypto activities. We're eager to list the DGMA token and explore deeper integration opportunities that will benefit both our platforms. This move also highlights LetsExchange's commitment to supporting innovative blockchain ventures."
daGama is an RWL (Real World Locations) platform that leverages blockchain and AI technology to offer a unique experience with authentic content, restoring trust in recommendations. daGama is poised to make a significant impact in the blockchain space with its upcoming MVP, designed to revolutionize user interaction with blockchain technology.
LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub, boasting support for over 5,000 coins and tokens – one of the most comprehensive selections in the market. The platform offers a wide array of services, including seamless crypto-to-crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps and crypto bridge, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. Additionally, partners can easily integrate crypto-to-crypto and cross-chain swap features via API, with DEX and Buy/Sell options also available through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
(This post was last modified: 09-17-2024, 11:43 AM by LetsExchange.io.)
Rabbit Swap has integrated LetsExchange’s crypto-exchange solution
Rabbit Swap, an independent non-custodial exchange, has integrated LetsExchange’s crypto exchange functionality via API.
As a result, Rabbit Swap can expand its crypto swap offering for users with enhanced liquidity and more competitive rates when exchanging coins and tokens. The Rabbit Team is also assessing the possible integration of this crypto swap functionality into their Rabbit Wallet, an open-source self-custodial crypto wallet for secure transactions across a broad spectrum of major cryptocurrencies.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, commented: “We welcome the integration of our crypto swap functionality into the Rabbit Swap platform. We are certain that many users will appreciate the benefits of our solution. This integration enables access to more cryptocurrencies and crypto pairs, widening the possibilities for profitable trades and investments. We offer a wide array of B2B solutions for wallets, apps, and platforms that wish to integrate our reliable exchange functionality. These include referral links, exchange widgets, API for developers, branded Telegram bots, and white-label products.”
Thanks to the integration, Dok Wallet gains several benefits, enhancing its appeal to users. The expanded crypto swap feature improves user retention, strengthens security by eliminating the need to visit external sites for coin exchanges, introduces a new revenue stream through LetsExchange’s flexible profit-sharing model, and creates new marketing opportunities.
Rabbit Swap is an independent, non-custodial exchange designed to make the crypto swap process cost-effective, secure, fast, and as easy as sending a text message. The Rabbit ecosystem also includes the Rabbit Wallet, an open-source crypto wallet that supports over 50 of the most popular coins and tokens on the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tron blockchains.
LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub boasting support for more than 5,000 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, bridge, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange allows its partners to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap and cross-chain features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
(This post was last modified: 09-19-2024, 09:26 AM by LetsExchange.io.)
Exchange DOGS for thousands of other crypto assets on LetsExchange!
DOGS, one of the most anticipated cryptocurrencies this year, is now available on LetsExchange, the instant crypto exchange supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies worldwide. Launched on August 26, this Telegram-native meme coin had an impressive start, with its price skyrocketing a few hours after its launch.
With LetsExchange, users can swap DOGS for about 5,000 other tokens and cryptocurrencies on an easy-to-use widget using the LetsExchange website and through third-party platforms, apps, and wallets that integrate LetsExchange crypto swap solutions. Telegram app users can swap DOGS without leaving this social network using a Telegram bot powered by LetsExchange.
DOGS operates on the TON blockchain, a community-driven platform that enables fast transactions and supports various decentralized applications (dApps). Tonkeeper, a non-custodial crypto wallet in the TON blockchain ecosystem, integrated the LetsExchange widget early this year. LetsExchange also lists Toncoin, TON’s native cryptocurrency, fostering its adoption.
LetsExchange offers two exchange rate modalities to tackle volatility when swapping DOGS and other cryptocurrencies: a market rate and a fixed rate. With a market rate, the system automatically chooses the best exchange rate from a pool of 20+ liquidity providers at the moment of a swap. A fixed rate locks in the exchange rate at the beginning of the swap, ensuring it does not change until the operation is complete. Automatic AML verification ensures that only legit crypto assets are traded on LetsExchange, guaranteeing a safe environment for all users. In case of a problem swapping DOGS, you can count on the LetsExchange customer service team to solve it as soon as possible. This service is available 24/7.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, stated: “Our exchange platform continuously lists new promising crypto assets to offer our customers a broader range of opportunities for profitable trades and investments. DOGS is one such asset, and we are positive that many users will not miss out on the possibilities this newly launched coin opens.”
DOGS is a newly launched meme-inspired cryptocurrency on the TON blockchain. It is a Telegram-native meme coin. This project’s community, known as Dogs Community, taps into Telegram's huge user base and native meme culture. At the heart of it all is a beloved dog mascot, initially crafted by Telegram's founder, that brings a sense of fun and familiarity. DOGS plans to introduce millions of people to the world of blockchain technology in a way that is both entertaining and accessible.
LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub boasting support for more than 5,000 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, bridge, decentralized exchange (DEX) capabilities, and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange allows its partners to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap and cross-chain features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2024, 03:33 PM by LetsExchange.io.)
Jupiter (JUP) has landed on LetsExchange
LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange supporting the largest number of cryptocurrencies in the market, has listed JUP, the native token of Jupiter, the most popular DEX aggregator worldwide.
The crypto community can now exchange JUP for 4,500+ other coins and tokens using a friendly widget on LetsExchange’s website. Swaps are also possible through a Telegram bot, wallets, services, and third-party apps and platforms with integrated swap functionality powered by LetsExchange.
Users who trade JUP on LetsExchange have two rate options: market rate and fixed rate. The market rate lets the system find the best deal from over 20 liquidity providers, ensuring the best exchange rate even if the market is a bit jumpy. On the other hand, users who prefer stability and do not want to worry about price changes during the transaction should opt for a fixed rate.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, welcomed the listing of JUP. He commented: “We are certain that JUP will attract much interest from our user base. Jupiter is one of the most popular platforms in the DeFi sector, and its JUP token represents a good trading and investment opportunity.”
Jupiter is one of the most prominent DeFi platforms on the Solana blockchain. Recently, it became the most popular decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator globally. Jupiter plays a crucial role as a liquidity aggregator by pooling resources to make token swaps smoother and more efficient. It also helps manage perpetual futures and decentralized stablecoins. Jupiter’s native token, JUP, is primarily used for governance, empowering holders to vote on the platform’s directions.
LetsExchange is the one-stop crypto exchange hub, boasting support for more than 4,500 coins and tokens – the most extensive asset selection available in the market. Users enjoy a wide range of services, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, decentralized exchange (DEX), and on-ramp/off-ramp functions. LetsExchange offers its partners the ability to integrate crypto-to-crypto swap features via API. Additionally, DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities can be accessed through customizable crypto exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2024, 08:48 AM by LetsExchange.io.)
Crypto users can now swap the AXL token on LetsExchange
Crypto users worldwide can now swap AXL, the native token of the Axelar network, on LetsExchange, a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting the biggest number of crypto assets for swaps. Apps and services that have integrated LetsExchange swap functionality can make available to their users over 4,500 cryptopairs to AXL.
When swapping AXL on LetsExchange, users can choose either a market or a fixed rate. Users selecting a market rate can benefit from the best exchange rate among the 20+ liquidity providers integrated with LetsExchange, ensuring the most profitable conditions for their swaps. In contrast, a fixed rate maintains the exchange rate unchanged until the completion of a swap and is most convenient for users wishing to avoid the effects of market volatility.
LetsExchange and the Axelar team are planning several joint co-marketing activities to foster the visibility and adoption of the AXL token among customers. These activities will include an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session, an interview with members of the AXL team, etc.
Alex J., Chief Product Officer (CPO) at LetsExchange, expressed his excitement about the listing of the AXL token on LetsExchange. He believes that many of their customers will be thrilled by the addition of this token to their list of supported crypto assets as it expands the possibilities for profitable trades and investments.
Axelar is the multichain platform that unifies Web3 for developers, easily delivering applications from any blockchain to every user. Axelar unifies Web3, delivering the shortest path to scale applications across many blockchains: developers “build once, run everywhere”; adopters already include Uniswap, Microsoft, and natively cross-chain startups. Axelar supports smart contracts at the cross-chain layer, giving blockchain developers an opportunity to scale their applications with ease. Backers include Binance, Coinbase, Dragonfly, Galaxy and Polychain.
LetsExchange is an industry-leading exchange platform that supports over 4,500 coins and tokens, the biggest number of assets in the market. Along with crypto-to-crypto swaps, users can benefit from DEX and on-ramp/off-ramp functionalities. LetsExchange’s partners can integrate crypto-to-crypto swap functionality through API. DEX and Buy/Sell functionalities are also available through adjustable exchange widgets and Telegram bots.
LetsExchange’s partners include Trezor, Edge, Tonkeeper, Safe3, Telos, eCash, PIVX, NANO, and others.
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2024, 10:38 AM by LetsExchange.io.)